Boy Meets Girl

It's the story you've heard time and time again.

Boy meets girl.
Boy pursues girl.
Boy proposes to girl.
Girl says yes.
They live happily ever after.

Only not.

Our story is more complicated. And yet, it's all so simple.

Boy meets girl.
Girls is unavailable.
Boy and girl work together.
Boy and girl become great friends.
Girl is available.
Boy likes girl.
Girl likes boy.
Boy proposes to girl.
Girl says yes.
Boy gets deployed.
Girl plans a wedding.

I'm that girl, welcome to my blog.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Girl gets wedding bands

Boy proposes to Girl.
Girl says yes.
Boy gives girl beautiful ring.
Boy goes to war.
Girl plans a wedding.
Girl orders wedding bands.

I absolutely LOVE my engagement ring. I think it is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.

It took me a while to start looking at wedding bands. In fact, I didn't until we decided to move the wedding up. Then it kind of hit me one day that I really needed to get on that and buy our bands. So I started looking. I went to several jewelry stores and tried on all kinds of different things. I really thought I knew what I wanted, but as I began to look, I found that was not the case at all. I ended up ordering the ring from the jeweler that was made to go with my engagement ring.


It arrived in a beautiful little box (with a green holiday bow)...


And it even had Godiva chocolates with it! Now that is class!






J and I have gone back and forth about what he wanted. He knew he wanted something stones, no design. But at first, he said he wanted yellow gold. Then not much later, he said that maybe he'd like white gold. The thing is... he isn't here! So he hadn't had a chance to try on rings and really decide what he wanted. So I found a ring that is made out of tungsten. Which is basically steel. I figured it was different looking and would be tough.


When he is home and wearing his ring everyday, I figure we can go pick out the ring he loves... but I wanted him to have a ring for the wedding. And who knows, maybe he will end up loving it! :)


Nicole {Niche White} said...

Amazing, amazing ring set. I can not say it enough! So gorgeous...I bet it's difficult to leave that wedding band off for now! Congratulations and happy new year!

Megan said...

Chris's ring is made of TUNGSTEN CARBIDE as well! I made it bold because that is how he always says it. :) He loves it but we wanted to make sure we got something easily replaceable since military men often need to remove their rings for particular tasks and he was worried he might lose it. I also got him a chain to wear it on when he couldn't wear it on his ring finger. Great choice! :)

Also, your ring is stunning. Absolutely gorgeous! Glad the details are coming together! :)

Anonymous said...

Your rings are gorgeous! I was wondering where you bought them?