Boy Meets Girl

It's the story you've heard time and time again.

Boy meets girl.
Boy pursues girl.
Boy proposes to girl.
Girl says yes.
They live happily ever after.

Only not.

Our story is more complicated. And yet, it's all so simple.

Boy meets girl.
Girls is unavailable.
Boy and girl work together.
Boy and girl become great friends.
Girl is available.
Boy likes girl.
Girl likes boy.
Boy proposes to girl.
Girl says yes.
Boy gets deployed.
Girl plans a wedding.

I'm that girl, welcome to my blog.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Girl chooses bridesmaids

Girl grows up in Oregon.
Girl is only child.
Girl moves to new school.
Girl makes friends.
Girl moves again.
Girl meets Boy.
Girl loves Boy.
Boy proposes to Girl.
Girl says yes.
Girl plans a wedding.
Girl chooses bridesmaids.

The choice of bridesmaids was not a difficult choice for me.
And while it took me longer than 5 minutes to decide, it wasn't much longer.
I moved several times growing up... and went to 3 different high schools.
I've had my share of friends, and what I've found is that there are very few friends that last a lifetime.

I wanted my bridesmaids to represent me... to stand next to me physically, spiritually and emotionally. But I also want them to be girls that I will still be speaking to 5 years down the road!

I wrote a few weeks ago about Davene, my maid of honor. She's been my friend the longest (outside of my family). I am so excited to be in her upcoming wedding and just as excited that she'll be my maid of honor!


(I'm on the left with blond hair! Davene is on the right)

I also have a beautiful, wonderful friend who I haven't known quite as long, but who has been there for me through thick and thin. We had a chance meeting... a blind date of sorts... and she has been a great friend to me ever since. She is the girl that will tell you the truth... even when you don't want to hear it. She'll pray for you, encourage you, and tell you when your jeans look bad. I am blessed that Bianca will be a bridesmaid, and even more blessed that she is my friend.


(Bianca is on the left, I'm on the right. I should mention that as fantastic as it looks, her hair is not normally this... full ;))

I moved away from Oregon almost a decade ago. Leaving behind my friends, and my extended family. Even though we've had distance between us, my cousins have been amongst my best friends over the years.

Heidi is my oldest cousin. I remember being a little girl and thinking she was the coolest. I would follow her around her house, wanting to do everything she did. I'm sure it drove her nuts, but she was so kind... even as a kid. Heidi has been my source of strength and encouragement through lots of tough times. She has been the first one I've talked to when I've had a problem... we've laughed together, cried together, struggled together and triumphed together.
(Heidi is on the far right. I am on the left)


(Rebecca is in the middle the above picture)
Rebecca is only a couple of years younger than me, as is Holly. But when we were little girls, and I was following Heidi around.. Rebecca and Holly and I had a rocky relationship. I'm not entirely sure when it changed, but it did. And what followed were long days playing with our dolls, making up choreographed dances and skits, laughing so hard that we couldn't even stand it, and begging our parents to let us stay together longer. We had slumber parties, and went on vacations together. All these years later, Rebecca lives in a totally different state. So does Holly. And yet, through the miles, we remain not only cousins, but also friends. Holly has been a big support for me in the time that J has been in the military... and especially with this deployment. Her husband is an Army man too. I am grateful for amazing beautiful girls who are not only family but also friends.


J is a package deal. He has a large, and very tight knit family. And I love them.
His niece, Crystal has quickly become a great friend to me. I feel like we've known each other for years. She is the kind of girl that you can laugh with for hours, and who will be there for you when you just need to cry. We've had countless conversations while riding all over the place in my jeep. She has been an incredible support in my photography as well as coming along to hang out, assist and second shoot for me. I am so proud of who she is becoming, and so thankful for the huge role she's played in my life.


I also have two very special little girls that will be joining me as beautiful flower girls. J's nieces, Samantha and Angela. J and I had already discussed having them as part of the wedding.
But then one night we were all at dinner and they walked up giggling.
Samantha said in a sing song voice, "Angie has something to ask you."
To which Angela giggled and whispered in my ear, "Can we be your flower girls?"
I looked at them wide eyed and said, "Well I don't know... do you have experience?"
Oh the list they gave me of their flower girl qualifications.
Needless to say, they will be fantastic flower girls :)


(Angela, me with blond hair, and Samantha)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Boy chooses Groomsmen

Boy becomes big brother.
Boy grows up.
Boy stays close to family.
Boy proposes to Girl.
Girl says yes.
Girl plans a wedding.
Boy chooses groomsmen.

When J and I started discussing our wedding plans, we knew he would be deployed for the majority of the planning time. So we only talked about a few details that were most important to J.

What color to wear... and not to wear (No pink for the boys)
What colors to use... and not to use in the wedding (no pink... seeing a pattern here?)
Who to invite.
What kind of wedding to have.
Other small details (J wants cake lollipops. Somewhere. Anywhere).
And of course... Groomsmen.

It took all of five minutes for J to decide on Groomsmen. Maybe even less.
I didn't really know how to respond to that.
But for J, it was just obvious.

J has a son named Javvy. Javvy has been a part of his life for 18 years... and obviously is a huge part of his life. Those two are definitely 2 of a kind. Sometimes they act more like brothers than father and son. I don't know that I'd ever seen two somewhat grown men (or one and a half) play video games like they do. Or take random adventures in the middle of the night together. Or run AT FULL SPEED through the house in full on battle mode.
They have a unique relationship.
(Javvy is on the left, J on the right)


J is the oldest of three boys. Their mother is a saint! :) Alex is only one year younger than him, and was an obvious choice for one of J's groomsmen. Alex lives the farthest of the guys... yet it's only about 30 minutes and we are fortunate enough to see him often anyway!
(J is on the left, Alex on the right)


Sam is the youngest of the boys, but just as close. All three share inside jokes, and laugh over movie quotes that I've never even heard. They ride motorcycles together and sit around talking, laughing and telling stories for hours on end. They really are brothers who have become great friends.
(J is on the left, Sam is on the right)


David is J's cousin. But he's more like a brother. When we first got engaged, J and I discussed lots of options. We talked about running off to Vegas and getting married by Elvis or in a drive thru. We considered having a tiny wedding on the beach with only our parents. But as we talked about our options, J would continually struggle with the idea of not including his ENTIRE family. It would be his parents, his brothers, their families... but it wouldn't stop there. Each time, David was one of the people he wanted to be by his side. (Side note: don't worry family... we decided against Elvis or a 5 person guest list).
(David is on the left, J is on the right)


I wrote in a previous blog about J's best man, Danny. You can read more about him here.
(J is on the left, Danny is on the right)


I am so glad to have a fantastic group of men who have loved and supported J throughout his life stand next to him on this special day. I am also grateful that they love me too. I am fortunate to have a fantastic, close relationship with each of these men, and I am so thankful for the role they play in my life as well.

In addition to these great men, we have 3 fantastic young men that will also be joining us. J's 3 nephews, Sam Jr, Michael, and Vincent. They love their Tio, and I know he is excited to have them be a part of this day in such a special way!




I should maybe take a moment to say to the men listed in this blog...
If you didn't know we wanted you to be in the wedding...
I was chatting with Sam the other day and mentioned something about him being in the wedding. He looked at me like I was purple and said "what?" Apparently J forgot to officially ask him before leaving the country. whoops!